
1719 Abalone Ave. #401 Torrance, CA. 90501


When tenants or customers complain about rooms that are too hot or you notice that your energy costs are trending skyward, window films can help. Window Films can help protect people and property from external threats such as break and enter, vandalism and even bomb blasts.

Our films provide protection against accidents, natural disasters, home invasions, bomb explosions and glass fragments. They could also simply help upgrade your glass to code. And of course, will help to regulate the temperature, sunlight, and discoloration of valuables.

You install the window film if you want to save energy, reduce annoying glare, and increase security and improve décor and privacy.

Solar Control Films

Window film is an affordable glass upgrade that enhances buildings in any climate, costing just a fraction of full window replacement.

Control Graffiti Films

Window film is an affordable glass upgrade that enhances buildings in any climate, costing just a fraction of full window replacement.

Clear Safety and Security film

Physically strong and designed to add protection, this virtually invisible film helps glass stand up to a variety of threats.

Solar Safety and Security film

Film that combines solar control with safety and security features, upgrading existing glass with multiple types of protection.

Commercial Decorative films

Film that transforms the function and feel of commercial spaces by adding privacy, filtering light, and creating one-of-a-kind designs.